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Education and Education Support

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Brock Education: a journal of educational research and practice

Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice is a blind peer-reviewed Canadian journal that publishes two issues a year. Brock Education welcomes papers concerned with the research and practice of teaching and learning at all levels: elementary and secondary schools; teacher education and teacher development; higher education and adult education; and education in the community or workplace.

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Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy

The Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy (CJEAP) is a peer reviewed online journal based at the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The Journal has a Canadian focus and the articles that it accepts for review must address administrative or policy issues related to education and educational systems in Canada.

Concept: Journal of Contemporary Community Education Practice Theory

The Concept Journal offers a lively independent forum for critical debate and exchange of ideas in contemporary Community Education. Education is seen in the broadest sense to include community work, adult education and youth work and takes place in a range of settings and agencies

Critical Questions in Education

The aim of this national double blind peer-reviewed on-line journal is to provide educators at all levels a space in which timely or timeless questions about educational policy and practice might be addressed.  More particularly, Critical Questions in Education invites manuscripts that critically address issues of policy and practice from a generally foundational perspective including, but not limited to, economic, historical, pedagogical, philosophical, psychological, and sociological analyses. 

Current Issues in Education

Current Issues in Education (CIE) is an open access, peer-reviewed academic education journal sponsored by the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College of Arizona State University.
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Education Sciences

Education Sciences (ISSN 2227-7102) is a scholarly international open access journal. It publishes extended full-length research papers that have the scope to substantively address current issues in education.

Education Sciences and Psychology

The journal publishes articles containing new scientific results in the field of theoretical and applied problems on the following sections: didactics of higher education; organization of educational process of higher education; information technology in education, distance education; optimization of training methods; a technique of an estimation of quality of education; pedagogical psychology; information technologies in psychology; psychological aspects of information; psychology of the person; the verbal and not verbal communications.

Educational Research for Social Change

ERSC publishes scientific articles which draw on participatory methodologies such as Arts-Based Research (ABR), Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR), Participatory Action Research (PAR), Participatory Action Learning and Action Research (PALAR), Participatory Visual Research (PVR/PVM), Self-Study Research (SSR) and other such empirical research, located in critical and transformative paradigms, seen as key in contributing to the transformation of education research and education itself. 

European Journal of Contemporary Education

The journal’s mission is to promote innovative, creative, and unconventional ways to investigate and resolve issues in present-day education and to familiarize the public with the findings of research into issues in education, trends and regular patterns in its development from the perspective of pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, and interdisciplinary sciences.

European Journal of Educational Research

European Journal of Educational Research (EU-JER) is a leading, peer-reviewed, open access, research journal that provides an online forum for studies in education, by and for scholars and practitioners, worldwide.

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Frontline Learning Research

Frontline Learning Research (FLR) welcomes risk-taking and explorative studies that provide input for theoretical, empirical and/or methodological renewal within the field of research on learning and instruction. The journal offers a distinctive opening for foundational research and an arena for studies that promote new ideas, methodologies or discoveries


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Global Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

GIDD journal is an open access peer reviewed scientific journal focused towards publishing a complete and reliable source of information origin, prevention and treatment for intellectual disabilities.

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International Dialogues on Education Past and Present

is a peer-reviewed, digital journal on international educational research; publishes current scientific papers, research reports and book reviews.

International Journal of Emerging Issues in Early Childhood Education

The IJEIECE aims at providing forum for consideration of current issues and development and for exchange of information and ideas about research and praxis in the practices of childcare and early childhood (K–3 levels) teacher education.

International Journal of Research in Counselling and Education

The aim of IJRiCE is to publish articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the field of counseling and education and featuring articles that advance the empirical, theoretical, and methodological understanding of counseling and education.

International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training

The International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET) is the official organ of VETNET European Research Network in Vocational Education and Training (European Educational Research Association) and IRNVET International Research Network in Vocational Education and Training (World Education Research Association)

International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research

The IJCER welcomes any papers on educational sciences: original theoretical works, literature reviews, research reports, social issues, psychological issues, curricula, learning environments, research in an educational context, book reviews, and review articles.

International Journal of Educational Policy and Leadership

IJEPL is a refereed electronic journal dedicated to enriching the education policy and leadership knowledge base, and promoting exploration and analysis of policy alternatives.

International Journal of Educational Studies

IJES publishes papers in issues related to education and literacy

International Journal of Emotional Education

Some of the areas related covered by the journal include amongst others emotional intelligence, social and emotional development, educational resilience, social and emotional health, social and emotional literacy, social and emotional competence, social, emotional and behaviour difficulties, health promotion in schools, mental health in children and young people, mental health in schools, behaviour management and behaviour modification, teaching and learning.

International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring

The aim of the journal is twofold:

to provide evidence-based, well-researched resources for students, professionals, corporate clients, managers and academic specialists who need to be at the forefront of developments in the field;
to offer an accessible yet powerful discussion platform for the growing number of coaching and mentoring practitioners seeking to validate their practice.

International Journal of Progressive Education

IJPE takes an interdisciplinary approach to its general aim of promoting an open and continuing dialogue about the current educational issues and future conceptions of educational theory and practice in an international context.

International Journal of Research Studies in Education

International Journal of Research Studies in Education (IJRSE) is an open access international peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal that publishes quality studies related to education. IJRSE is interdisciplinary in approach, and includes but not limited to reports of qualitative case studies, quantitative experiments and surveys, mixed method studies, action researches, meta-analyses, and discussions of conceptual and methodological issues.

International Journal of Whole Schooling

The Journal is an international, refereed publication dedicated to exploring ways to improve learning and schooling for all children.

Irish Educational Studies

Irish Educational Studies is an international, refereed journal publishing manuscripts on a range of topics relevant to education by drawing on the full spectrum of disciplines that feed into educational theory and practice; this includes anthropology, sociology, psychology, history, economics, philosophy, politics and curriculum studies. 

Issues in Educational Research

Issues in Educational Research is a refereed academic research journal founded by the Western Australian Institute for Educational Research in 1991. From 1995, IIER has been published jointly by Australia's Institutes for Educational Research in New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia.
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Journal of Education

The Journal of Education is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access publication of original research and writing on education. The focus of the Journal is on all levels, stages and processes of education (e.g. formal, informal, non-formal, early childhood, lifelong, schooling, adult education, vocational education and training, higher education). 

Journal of Education and Learning

Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn) is a multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed open-access international journal which has been established for the dissemination of state-of-the-art knowledge in the field of education, teaching, development, instruction, educational projects and innovations, learning methodologies and new technologies in education and learning.

Journal of Educational Technology and Society

Educational Technology & Society seeks academic articles on the issues affecting the developers of educational systems and educators who implement and manage such systems

Journal of Educators Online

Journal of Educators Online is an online double-blind peer review scholarly journal in the broad area of Computer Mediated Learning (CML) which includes distance, online, electronic, virtual, distributed, blended and mobile learning.

Journal of Family, Counselling and Education

Journal of Family, Counseling and Education (JFCE)  publishes research related to all aspects of family, counselling, and education. This research should inform researchers, practitioners, program developers, and policy-makers

Journal of Interactive Online Learning

The Journal of Interactive Online Learning focuses on providing a venue for manuscripts, critical essays, and reviews that encompass disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives in regards to issues related to higher-level learning outcomes.

Journal of International and Comparative Education

The Journal of International and Comparative Education (JICE) is an open-access journal which focuses on the emerging role of international and comparative education.

Journal of Instructional Pedagogies

The Journal of Instructional Pedagogies (JIP) publishes original academic research related to contemporary instructional techniques and education issues. Educational topics related to delivery methods, implementation of classroom technologies, distance learning, class activities and assessment are typical topics.

Journal of Language and Literacy Education

The Journal of Language & Literacy Education (JoLLE, ISSN #1559-9035) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal housed in the Department of Language & Literacy Education in the College of Education at The University of Georgia.

Journal of Learning Spaces

A peer-reviewed, open-access journal published biannually, The Journal of Learning Spacesprovides a scholarly, multidisciplinary forum for research articles, case studies, book reviews, and position pieces related to all aspects of learning space design, operation, pedagogy, and assessment in higher education.

Journal of Montessori Research

The Journal of Montessori Research advances knowledge of Montessori education through both empirical research studies and critical reviews of the literature available in an open access forum.

Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research

NAER seeks academic articles on educational sciences based on innovative experiences which can contribute the development of the educational sciences in any of their manifestations and provide new approaches to teaching as a response to the deep changes our society is going through.

Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning

OFDL publishes articles from around the world relating to primary research investigations, literature reviews, the application of open education innovations, and experiences of blended learning as well as teaching at a distance in any sector of education or training. 

Journal of Pedagogy

The Journal of Pedagogy (JoP) publishes outstanding educational research from a wide range of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical traditions. Diverse perspectives, critiques, and theories related to pedagogy – broadly conceptualized as intentional and political teaching and learning across many spaces, disciplines, and discourses.

Journal of Social Science Education

The Journal of Social Science Education (JSSE) is an international peer-reviewed academic open access journal in the area of research on teaching and learning in the field of social science education

Journal of Social Studies Education Research

Journal of Social Studies Education Research (JSSER) is an international, scholarly open access, peer-reviewed and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Social Studies Education. As an international, online-only journal it is devoted to the publication of original, primary research (theoretical and empirical papers) as well as practical applications relating to Social Studies Education. Two issues are published annually, in November and May.

Journal of Studies in Education

Journal of Studies in Education is a peer-reviewed online international journal, published by Macrothink Institute. It publishes scholarly articles on the topics related to education, educational administration, educational psychology, economics of education, sociology of education, etc.

Journal of Un-Schooling and Alternative Learning

This journal seeks to bring together an international community of scholars exploring the topic of unschooling and alternative learning, which espouses learner centered democratic approaches to learning. JUAL is also a space to reveal the limitations of mainstream schooling.
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Language and Literacy

Language & Literacy is an oncyline journal for researchers and educators interested in a broad range of literacy issues encompassing research and teaching in print, oracy, and multimedia.

Large Scale Assessments in Education

Large-scale Assessments in Education is a joint publication of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) and Educational Testing Service (ETS). The articles in this journal contribute to the science of large-scale assessments, help disseminate state-of-the-art information about empirical research using these databases and make the results available to policy makers and researchers around the world.

Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts

The Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts aims to publish articles which advance our knowledge and understanding of social contexts in Australia and internationally with an emphasis on the socio-cultural dimensions of learning in these different contexts and configurations. 
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McGill Journal of Education

MJE promotes an international, multidisciplinary discussion of issues in the field of educational research, theory, and practice
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Open Review of Educational Research

Open Review of Educational Research publishes papers from a multidisciplinary perspective, accepting both quantitative and qualitative studies, as well as articles that employ historical or philosophical orientations. The Journal will be underpinned by an approach to educational studies and research that is committed to the principles of openness in education and research, and by philosophies of education that seek to explore the purpose of education and the role of new open technologies which promote greater exchange, interactivity, sharing and collaboration across academic specialties and across cultures.  Open Review of Educational Research also encourages state-of-the-art literature reviews and non-standard contributions.
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Radical Pedagogy

An interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal devoted to the analysis of teaching and learning.

Reach: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland

REACH Journal is the Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland. Established in 1986 by the Irish Association of Teachers in Special Education (IATSE), REACH is an independent journal that disseminates reliable, high quality, peer-reviewed information, research and good practice to a readership that includes practitioners in education as well as related professionals, parents and policy makers. It acts as a resource for teachers and other professionals working with learners with a diverse range of abilities along a continuum of need. Special education, as per government policy, is examined through the publication of articles reflecting research findings, good practice and national and international perspectives

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Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation

Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation (PARE) is an on-line journal providing access to refereed articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice.
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Radical Pedagogy

Radical Pedagogy is an interdisciplinary, peer reviewed, academic journal devoted to the analysis of teaching and learning as well as the institutional, political, and social aspects of education that impact critical pedagogical theory and practice. The journal is especially concerned to address these issues within the contexts of gender, race, ethnicity, sexualities, class, space and linguistics. Radical Pedagogy is a forum committed to a critical and progressive examination of the important debates and discourses within the field. 

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School Community Journal

The School Community Journal is a refereed journal that includes research and field reports related to the school as a community of teachers, students, parents, and staff.

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Work Based Learning E-Journal

Work Based Learning E-Journal

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