The databases below are available free of charge to all Tusla staff nationally.
Academic Search Complete
Academic Search Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database
Adoption Search Reunion Website
(you will need to be logged into the CoramBAAF members area first to access and use this)
You can use this database to find out where adoption records might be held by searching for a home (maternity, mother & baby, shelter etc), organisation or local authority involved in the birth or adoption, or a staff member who worked in one of these homes or organisations. The results will guide you to the most likely holder of the adoption records, and will provide full contact details so that you can make further enquiries.
Bandolier is an independent journal about evidence-based healthcare, written by Oxford scientists, and appears monthly.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York – Home Page
A world renowned institute that produces policy relevant research and innovative methods that advance the use of research evidence to improve population health.
Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, CRD Database
CRD is a world renowned institute that produces policy relevant research and innovative methods that advance the use of research evidence to improve population health.
Child Care Law Reporting Project
The Child Care Law Reporting Project has been established to examine and report on child care proceedings in the courts, under Section 3 of the Child Care (Amendment) Act 2007 and in accordance with the 2012 Regulations (Regulation No 467 of 2012) made under the Act.
Child Youth and Family Database
This database provides information about outcomes measurement tools that have been used in Irish research and evaluation with children, young people, and their families.
CINAHL Complete (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
CINAHL®Complete is the world’s most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing & allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo. CINAHL®Complete is the definitive research tool for all areas of nursing & allied health literature.
CoramBAAF members website login
Access to the members website allows all Tusla staff nationally to access three peer reviewed journals, as well as a range of resources including practice notes, briefings, guides, research studies and a range of free publications.
EASO: European Asylum Support Office
Website of the European Asylum Support Office
EU Kids Online
EU Kids Online is a multinational research network. It seeks to enhance knowledge of European children's online opportunities, risks and safety. It uses multiple methods to map children's and parents' experience of the internet, in dialogue with national and European policy stakeholders. It has been funded by the EC’s Better Internet for Kids programme.
European Migration Network
The EMN Ireland research library includes research-based publications with relevance to migration and asylum in Ireland
Global Health Data Exchange
Welcome to the GHDx, the world’s most comprehensive catalog of surveys, censuses, vital statistics, and other health-related data. It’s the place to start your health data search.
King's Fund
King's Fund is an independent charity working to improve health and care in England. Our vision is that the best possible health and care is available to all.
Medicines Information Online is the most comprehensive source of information on medicinal products available in Ireland and is widely regarded as an invaluable reference source by healthcare professionals, the Department of Health and the Health Products Regulatory Authority. The information for each product comes in the form of a summary of product characteristics (known as SPC or SmPC) and patient information leaflet (known as PIL, Package Leaflet or PL) where relevant, which are approved by the regulatory authority as part of the process of authorising the product for sale or supply in Ireland.)
Migration Data Portal
The Portal aims to serve as a unique access point to timely, comprehensive migration statistics and reliable information about migration data globally. The site is designed to help policy makers, national statistics officers, journalists and the general public interested in the field of migration to navigate the increasingly complex landscape of international migration data, currently scattered across different organisations and agencies.
National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect
A resource since 1988, the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN) promotes scholarly exchange among researchers in the child maltreatment field. NDACAN acquires microdata from leading researchers and national data collection efforts and makes these datasets available to the research community for secondary analysis
National Drugs Library
The HRB National Drugs Library facilitates the use of research-based knowledge in decision-making by those working in the area of problem substance use in Ireland. Search our repository of Irish drug, alcohol and tobacco-related research and discover our other valuable resources.
National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS)
The NDTRS is a health information system that collects anonymous data about drug and alcohol treatment cases in Ireland.
Refworld which is managed by the UNHCR brings together carefully selected country reports, country profiles and assessments, research papers, query responses, and human rights reports, as well as a collection of the core international treaties and agreements (such as those adopted by the United Nations and in the European Union), national legislation relating to UNHCR's mandate, and case law from international, regional and national courts. It also makes available a collection of refugee policy documents and guidelines from a variety of sources, plus handbooks and training manuals, as well as background documents from the United Nations and other sources.
Research In Practice
We bring together research and practitioner expertise - building the sector's capacity for evidence-informed practice. Professionals of all levels benefit from our wide range of high quality, accessible resources and learning opportunities.
Research in Practice for Adults
Publications, research updates and learning materials to support evidence informed practice with adults and families
Refugee Research Network
The Refugee Research Network (RRN) has been created to mobilize and sustain a Canadian and international network of researchers and research centres committed to the study of refugee and forced migration issues and to engaging policy makers and practitioners in finding solutions to the plight of refugees and displaced persons.
Social Care Institute for Excellence
improves the lives of people of all ages by co-producing, sharing, and supporting the use of the best available knowledge and evidence about what works in practice.
Social Policy and Practice (UK)
SPP brings together information from six of the UK’s leading collections of social policy and practice resources:
- Centre for Policy on Ageing
- Idox Information Service
- National Children’s Bureau
- National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
- Social Care Institute for Excellence
- Greater London Authority
Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
We are a leading UK centre for applied health and social care research. Established in 1973, we conduct high impact policy and practice research across the life-course.
SocIndex with Full Text
SocINDEX with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database
Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care.
University of York Social Policy Research Unit
We are a leading UK centre for applied health and social care research. Established in 1973, we conduct high impact policy and practice research across the life-course.