Tusla - Ireland's Child & Family Agency

Alternative Education Assessment and Registration Service

Welcome to Tusla’s Alternative Education Assessment and Registration Service.

Under Section 14 of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000, Tusla is responsible for maintaining a register of all children who are home educated/schooled or who attend a non-recognised school.

The term ‘non-recognised school’ is used with reference to the relevant legislation. A non-recognised school is also referred to as an Independent School, that is not overseen by the Department of Education.

The Alternative Education Assessment and Registration Service (AEARS) Tusla is responsible for the regulation of provision for education in places other than recognised schools. Its function is to carry out an assessment of the educational provision for children, in order to determine if a child can be placed on the statutory register of children educated outside of a recognised school.

Parents and guardians who choose to educate their child outside of a recognised school, educating them in a home environment or by sending them to an Independent School, have a legal obligation to apply for Section 14 Registration under the Education (Welfare) Act, 2000.

If you are a parent/guardian considering educating your child at home or in an independent school, you will find information about the application and assessment process in the relevant section.

The information provides guidance in relation to educating your child outside a recognised school. The information includes the relevant application form, guidance on how to complete and submit your application and information about the assessment process. You will also find information on who to contact regarding home education or children attending an independent school if you would like further information or advice.

Application Forms and Guidance

The Alternative Education Assessment and Registration Service has developed guidance for parents/guardians who wish to apply to home educate or send their child to an Independent school. Information on how to apply are contained in the following documents;

Policies & Notices

Reasonable Adjustment Policy

Reasonable Adjustment Policy – Dec 2024

Our Reasonable Adjustment Policy ensures individuals with disabilities or additional needs can fully participate in Children’s Services Regulation (CSR) processes. Requests are assessed case-by-case to promote inclusion and equal access.

Home Education Independent Schools
Regulatory Notices Assessment Warrants
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