Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

Meitheal Forms and Guidance Documents

A programme of work has been undertaken to define, design and implement a framework for prevention, partnership and family support service provision as part of the National Service Delivery Framework for the Child and Family Agency. This programme of work has been funded by Atlantic Philanthropies and has been carried out by the National Policy Development Manager in Family Support, Child and Family Agency in conjunction with the UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, NUI Galway.

The main components of this programme of work are as follows:


Meitheal – A National Practice Model for all agencies working with Children, Young People and their Families

Meitheal Toolkit - for use by practitioners using Meitheal

Meitheal Forms

Meitheal Parents' Information Leaflet

Meitheal Children and Young People's Information Leaflet

Each of these components are inter-related and need to be considered and implemented together to support the development of prevention, early intervention and family support services in the Child and Family Agency.

My World Triangle


Meitheal leaflet












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