Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

The Child and Family Agency has a statutory responsibility to provide Alternative Care Services under the provisions the Child Care Act, 1991, the Children Act, 2001 and the Child Care (Amendment) Act, 2007. Children who require admission to care are accommodated through placement in foster care, placement with relatives, or residential care. The Agency also has a responsibility to provide Aftercare services. In addition, services are provided for children who are homeless or who are separated children seeking asylum. The Agency also has responsibilities with regards to adoption processes.

The Agency is committed to the principle that the family affords the best environment for raising children and the objective of external intervention should be to support families within the community. Policy is to place children in a family based setting with over 92% of children in foster care placements. One of the priorities of the Agency is to provide safer, more reliable and effective services for children in Care and to develop a range of placement options for children with additional needs.

Select a service below:

Foster Care

Residential Care

Special Care

After Care

Separated Children Seeking International Protection

Assessment Consultation Therapy Service (ACTS)

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