Electronic Journals
A large number of peer-reviewed Electronic Journals exist covering subjects relevant to the work of Tusla staff.
These Journals are published/made available in two ways.
First, via Subscription to a Publisher (i.e. a yearly fee is paid to the publisher of the journal which then allows a ‘subscriber’ to access the content of the journal in either print and/or electronic format).
Second, via what is known as ‘Open Access’, or ‘OA’. These are Electronic Journals which are published on the Internet, completely free of charge or subscription, with the intention of making access to scholarly and professional literature as widely available as possible.
The links below are to an initial selection of Electronic Journals made available via the Open Access publishing model. Wherever on this site you see the symbol, it means that the resource is an Open Access resource. Currently negotiations are under way to consider purchasing a number of subscription journals in the coming months.
The links below take you to an alphabetically arranged list of full text journals under the following headings.