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Research Repositories and Networking Sites


A considerable number of websites exist where you can either

  • View research which currently is or has been undertaken, as well as
  • Be given the opportunity to share the results of your research
  • Make contact with researchers who share your interests and/or who may be able to assist you with your research.

These are either known as Research Repositories or Research Networking websites. Often there can be few differences between the two.

A number of FREE national and international Research Networking Websites/Repositories exist. You need to register/sign up with each of these sites and create a basic personal profile for yourself. Once this has been done, you can attach electronic copies of your research (i.e. Word Documents, PDF files) whether they be published papers, conference presentations etc to these websites. Remember, that if the papers have been published in a published journal, you may need to check to see that you do not infringe the copyright of the journal by making them available on these sites. Click here to view a list of some of these

Additionally, many academic institutions have also created research repositories which are linked to their research applications, ethics and approval processes. While most of these are free to VIEW you will only be able to ADD to these if you are a current student or academic at the institution.



ARAN (NUI Galway)

The ARAN (Access to Research at NUI Galway) Repository hosts the digital collection of open access scholarly publications from NUI Galway. ARAN collects, preserves and makes freely available scholarly communication, including peer-reviewed articles, working papers and conference papers created by NUI, Galway researchers.

ARROW (Dublin Institute of Technology)

The repository is a service of the Dublin Institute of Technology Library Services. Find out more about the Discipline Wheel or go directly to the contents of over 300 repositories here

CORA (Cork Open Research Archive)

CORA, the Cork Open Research Archive, gives you free open access to University College Cork's scholarly and scientific research publications and theses.

DORAS (DCU Online Research Access Service)

DORAS is DCU's Open Access Institutional Repository, providing free online access to research publications and theses from Dublin City University, Ireland.

Institutes of Technology

Research@THEA is an open access repository established in 2017 containing research from all the Institutes of Technology. Research@THEA is a free electronic resource where you can search the entire collections of the Institute of Technologies research output in a single search or alternatively you can opt to search the research from a single Institute using the Institutes's individual site details.

Mary Immaculate College, Limerick - MIRR Mary Immaculate Research Repository

Here you can access the digital archive collections, and published and unpublished works of faculty and researchers at Mary Immaculate College.

Maynooth University ePrints and eTheses Archive (NUI Maynooth)

Maynooth University ePrints Archive is an institutional repository of ePrints which showcases the research output of Maynooth University and St. Patrick's College staff and postgraduate students.

Queens University, Belfast

The Research Portal is the University's open access institutional repository


The project aim is to harvest to one portal the contents of the Institutional Repositories of the seven university libraries, in order to make Irish research material more freely accessible

TARA (Trinity’s Access to Research Archive)

TARA is an open access repository, which means that the full text of the work deposited here is freely accessible to the world via the web.

UCD Research Repository

Research Repository UCD is a digital collection of open access scholarly research publications from University College Dublin. Research Repository UCD  collects,  preserves and makes freely available publications including peer-reviewed articles, working papers and conference papers created by UCD researchers. Where material has already been published it is made available subject to the open-access policies of the original publishers. 

ULIR  (University of Limerick)

Access digital archive collections and published and unpublished works of faculty and researchers at the University of Limerick.

Ulster University

This research portal has been developed to provide a comprehensive source of information on all aspects of the University's research activity. The portal provides instant access to a wealth of research information - allowing researchers to showcase the University's research talent and achievements and potential collaborators to explore expertise, knowledge and research opportunities within Ulster University.

WIT Repository (Waterford Institute of Technology)



Open Aire

OA repositories are connected through regional and thematic networks. Two of the largest regional networks are OpenAIRE in Europe and LA Referencia in Latin America. Given the truly international and collaborative nature of research, these networks must also be connected and aligned around issues such as policy, technologies and services.




Academia.edu is a platform for academics to share research papers. The company's mission is to accelerate the world's research. Academics use Academia.edu to share their research, monitor deep analytics around the impact of their research, and track the research of academics they follow. 39,112,636 academics have signed up to Academia.edu, adding 13,394,150 papers and 1,887,494 research interests. Academia.edu attracts over 36 million unique visitors a month.

OPEN AIRE (EU Wide and Latin America)

OA repositories are connected through regional and thematic networks. Two of the largest regional networks are OpenAIRE in Europe and LA Referencia in Latin America. Given the truly international and collaborative nature of research, these networks must also be connected and aligned around issues such as policy, technologies and services.


Our mission is to connect researchers and make it easy for them to share and access scientific output, knowledge, and expertise. On Research Gate they find what they need to advance their research.


Lenus is Ireland’s foremost repository for health services research and grey literature. It was launched in 2009 and is managed by the Regional Library & Information Service in Dr Steevens Hospital, Dublin. Lenus makes available the research output of the many organisations providing healthcare in the Republic of Ireland, along with their administrative, clinical and regulatory publications which together provide the background and context for Irish healthcare.


Our mission is simple: To connect the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful. When you join LinkedIn, you get access to people, jobs, news, updates, and insights that help you be great at what you do.



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