Web Tools
Over a period of time, you can locate many useful websites on a wide range of subjects. Web-based bookmarking services, which are free of charge, enable you to store and organize these links so that they can be found and accessed quickly whenever you need them. Two such services are:
ETOCS (Electronic Table of Contents)
Some electronic journals provide the option for you to sign up for ETOCS delivered straight to your e-mail Inbox. These are an excellent way to stay up to date with the most recently published content from key journals. Dfgfd accessible
You need to sign up to receive these, usually by providing your name and e-mail address. Once registered, every time a new edition of the journal is published, you will be sent an e-mail containing a Table of Contents to what is contained in the new issue. The e-mail may contain links that you can click to go to the full text of the article.
If an ETOCS service is provided by the Journal, a link to the sign up process for this will normally be found somewhere on the journal’s website homepage.
RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
In many cases, RSS Feeds have replaced ETOCS. RSS Feeds are usually signposted on most websites by the symbol. Quite a large number of websites, journals, newspapers, organisations etc, now have RSS Feeds, which are added to whenever there is new content.
In order to subscribe to RSS Feeds, you first need to have created an account/page for yourself within an established RSS Reader. There are a large number of these where you can do this free of charge. Links to four free RSS Readers are given below.
The advantage of using an RSS Reader, is that you can have all your news alerts visible and subscribed to from the one page/one website, rather than have to subscribe individually to a number of different web sites. Some of these also offer mobile apps which you can then also use on your mobile phone and tablet if you wish.
Feedly(which can be used with an existing g-mail account)