Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

Early Years Registration Renewal

All Early Years Services are legally required to renew registration every three years. This requirement is set out in Child Care Act 1991, Section 58D(4) as amended by Part 12 of the Child and Family Agency Act, 2013. 

The Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 and The Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Registration of School Age Services) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 sets out the application process which applies to a registered provider who has reached the end of their registration period and wishes to remain on the register as set out in section 58D (10 ) of the Act.  

Please note: You can make an application to renew your registration up to 6 months before the expiry of your current registration date. You must make an application at least 2 months before the expiry of your current registration date. 

Registration renewal is an integral part of the ongoing regulation of Early Years Services which serves to provide assurance to parents, government and the general public, that Registered Providers have taken all necessary actions to ensure the safety and welfare of the children who attend them. 

The registration renewal process requires Registered Providers to submit a small number of documents which includes a signed declaration form, current insurance certification and Garda vetting to demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements. The process is managed through the Tusla portal which allows providers to upload the required documents and to interact directly with the team in the inspectorate’s registration office managing the process. 

The inspectorate has developed a guidance document and recorded webinar to support Pre-school Services with registration renewal requirements. You can access these via the links below 

Registration Renewal 2025 – Infographic

Early Years Registration Renewal - Making a submission on the Tusla Portal

Early Years Registration Renewal – eLearning course

Step by Step Guide to Registration Renewal

Registration Renewal of Early Years Services Q&A

Registration Renewal of Early Years Services Presentation


Declaration for Renewal of Registration

Declaration for Renewal of Registration

You can contact the re-registration team directly via registration.renewal@tusla.ie            

In addition to the above supports, your local City/County Childcare Committee are able to help you with all of the re-registration requirements. If you have not already done so we advise you to contact them immediately. You can find details here www.myccc.ie    


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