Tusla - Ireland's Child & Family Agency

Notifications of Incident

Registered providers are required to notify the Early Years Inspectorate within three working days of becoming aware of a notifiable incident, by using a notification of incident form in accordance with Regulation 31 of the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 (SI 221 of 2016)


Notification of Incidents Form  


Foirm Fógartha Teagmhais

Notifications of Incident are defined as;

  1. the death of a pre-school child while attending the service, including the death of a child in hospital following his or her transfer to hospital from the service.
  2. the diagnosis of a pre-school child attending the service, an employee, unpaid worker, contractor or other person working in the service as suffering from an infectious disease (for the current list of notifiable diseases, please see the Health Protection Surveillance Centre here.
  3. an incident that occurs in the service and that results in the service being closed for any length of time.
  4. a serious injury to a pre-school child while attending the service that requires immediate medical treatment by a registered medical practitioner whether in a hospital or otherwise.
  5. an incident in respect of which a pre-school child attending the service goes missing while attending the service

NOTE – Outbreaks of Covid-19 also need to be notified to the Early Years Inspectorate.

The incident form can be returned by:


Early Years Inspectorate Registration Office, 2nd Floor, Estuary House, Henry Street, Limerick City





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