Stakeholder Engagement
The Early Years Inspectorate is committed to engaging with stakeholders and to providing timely and useful information to the Early Learning and Care Sector regarding regulatory processes and related topics. We do this in a range of ways including the publication of guidance documents, reports, webinars, eLearning courses & regulatory notices and through regular emails to stakeholder groups.
We hear the views of stakeholders through topic-specific surveys and questionnaires. These include recent surveys on the provision of services operating outdoors and on the renewal of registration process.
A very important method of engagement with our stakeholders is through a number of regular forums which are used to both communicate messages and to hear from sector representatives about issues and challenges that are of importance to them.
We currently have four forums, details of which are below. You can also download the Terms of Reference for each group.
Membership and Aims & Objectives
Terms of Reference
| There are two provider forums, one for registered providers that operate 1-2 services (small provider forum) and one for registered providers that operate 3 + services (Multiple provider forum)
The primary aims and objectives of the forums are;
- To support the development of a transparent, robust and quality assured early years sector that ensures better outcomes for children
- To facilitate the relevant and timely sharing of information to the sector, by providing a forum for communication between the EYI and providers, and to seek feedback, as appropriate, from the sector
- To update providers on key practice policy and protocol decisions taken by the EYI and to allow for discussion on the implementation of these decisions
- To provide the EYI with a forum to highlight and inform the ECEC sector, as appropriate, of upcoming and important strategic developments which are likely to have an impact on the provision of service in the sector
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| The consultative forum is made up of the Early Learning and Care Sector Support organisations
The primary aims and objectives of the forums are;
- To provide advice, recommendations and input where appropriate that will support the functions and operations of the Early Years Inspectorate. It is important to highlight that decisions relating to practice policy and protocols remain within Tusla governance.
- To develop and strengthen multiagency and multidisciplinary connections between statutory, voluntary and community agencies working within the early years sector and the inspectorate.
- To facilitate the pooling of knowledge that is representative, relevant and reflective of policy direction, evidence-based practice and current thinking with respect to regulation and inspection mechanisms.
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| The support forum is made up of wider sector support organisations including all of the City and County Childcare Committees
The primary aims and objectives of the forums are
- To update the sector on key practice policy and protocol decisions taken by the Early Years Inspectorate and to allow for discussion on the implementation of these decisions.
- To provide a forum through which the Early Years Inspectorate can offer advice, input and recommendations that will assist the various Early Learning and Care sector stakeholders in their mission to act as a support network for early years providers.
- To develop and strengthen connections between the Early Years Inspectorate and all stakeholders working in the Early Learning and Care sector.
- To provide the Early Years Inspectorate with a forum to highlight and inform the Early Learning and Care sector, as appropriate, of upcoming and important strategic developments which are likely to have an impact on the provision of service in the sector.
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| The education forum is made up of tutors, lecturers, placement supervisors, course directors and other relevant stakeholders representing education providers who deliver education and training programmes at Level 5 and above (major awards) in early childhood care and education
The primary aims and objectives of the forums are
- To develop and strengthen connections between providers of education and training programmes relevant to the early years sector, and the Inspectorate.
- To ensure that education providers and students are fully informed on developments within the Inspectorate.
- To facilitate the sharing of knowledge that is representative, relevant and reflective of policy direction, evidence-based practice and current thinking with respect to the inspection and quality assurance mechanisms
- To contribute to a transparent, robust and quality assured Early Years Inspectorate that ensures better outcomes for children.
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For more information on any of the forums or other stakeholder engagement matters you can email us on