Tusla - Ireland's Child & Family Agency


The Early Years Inspectorate aims to support early years services by providing eLearning courses on key areas of practice and process.

There are currently 6 eLearning courses available. 5 of the courses are available via a dedicated site  and the 6th course, the Quality and Regulatory Framework eLearning Programme is available on its own site.  


Course Title (and link)



New Registrations for Early Years Services - Pre-school and School Age Services

This course is designed to guide people who wish to register an early years service through the process of submitting the required information. The course covers; 

  • Documentation and information needed for new registrations 
  • Logging onto the Tusla portal 
  • ‘Fit for Purpose’ Inspections
  • Step by Step through the online registration
  • Common issues that could delay registration
  • Useful resources


Change in Circumstance

This course is designed to guide providers who wish to apply for a change in circumstance to their registration. The course covers; 

  • Legislation and Timeframes
  • Change In Circumstance Categories
  • Fit for Purpose’ Inspections
  • Common Issues that Can Impact Applications


Registration Renewal - Making a submission on the Tusla Portal

This course is designed to guide providers of all services through the process of completing the three-yearly renewal of registration. The course covers; 

  • Documentation needed for registration renewal 
  • Logging onto the Tusla portal 
  • A step-by-step guide through the portal 
  • Frequently asked Questions


 Feedback and Concerns eLearning programme 


This course is for anyone who wants to know how to submit feedback or concerns relating to any early years service. The course covers; 

  • The differences between feedback and concerns
  • How the inspectorate manages and processes feedback
  • How the inspectorate manages and processes concerns
  • How Registered Providers can prepare, manage and respond if concerns about their service are submitted to the Early Years Inspectorate
  • Information on the development of a complaints policy and procedure for the Early Years setting


Corrective and Preventive Action

This course is for providers who need to know how to complete the Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) process. The course covers; 

  • Developing understanding of what Corrective and Preventive Actions are
  • Develop a response to a noncompliance using Corrective And Preventative Action (CAPA) process.
  • Clarity regarding Disputed Findings and Factual Accuracy


Quality and Regulatory Framework

This is a comprehensive programme which covers all aspects of the Quality and Regulatory Framework. You can find out more and access the programme on our dedicated Quality and Regulatory Framework page

Steps to register and complete the training courses 1-5


Click the following link to Registerhttps://elearning.iact.ie/register/tslvRUT39/tusla 

The link should be used ONCE by each individual to register.


Enter your personal email address.


Click the register button, enter your name and create a password.


If you already have an account and you register using the same email as before, the course will be added to your existing account.

Following Registration:

Please use the following link to log back into the system and complete the online training programmes https://elearning.iact.ie/login


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