Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

Quality and Regulatory Framework eLearning Programme

Welcome to Tusla’s Quality and Regulatory Framework eLearning programme. This eLearning programme was developed following consultation with the early years sector in relation to the supports identified to support compliance with the Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016.  The Quality and Regulatory Framework eLearning programme is an additional support to the Quality and Regulatory Framework document, which has been circulated to the sector and available here. The programme also supports the Guidelines to Developing Policies and Procedures in Early Childhood Education and Care Settings a Practical Guide available here

The aim of this programme is to;

  • Assist registered providers and staff of early years services to prepare for a Tusla early years inspection.
  • Support early years professionals to meet the requirements of the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 and the Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Amendment) Regulations 2016.

This eLearning programme may be used as a resource by other professionals in the early years sector; it identifies what quality early years provision looks like in practice and as such may also be of interest to parents and guardians.

Getting Started:

We hope that you will find this programme easy to access and navigate. To get started;

  • It is recommended that you use the most up to date version of Chrome or Firefox as your default browser to accessing the eLearning programme.

                                                Download Chrome here  |   Download Firefox here

Guidance on setting Chrome as your default browser is available here.

  • Please ensure that the device you are using has speakers or that you use headphones as there is audio throughout the programme. 
  • If accessing the programme on a mobile device it is recommended to rotate the display for better viewing.
  • In order to be issued with your own personal certificate of completion for the four core modules, Governance, Health, Welfare and Development of the Child, Safety, Premises and Facilities it is necessary to register and complete the module individually.
  • On certified completion of the four core modules a certificate for the overall programme will be issued to the registered individual.
  • Your personal certificate is your record of completing the eLearning programme and can be kept on file as evidence of your commitment to providing quality experiences for young children.
  • This eLearning programme may be used at staff meetings or group education settings to facilitate group learning.
The programme consists of six modules
Module 1 Introduction
Module 2: Governance
Module 3: Health Welfare and Development of the Child
Module 4: Safety
Module 5: Premises and Facilities
Module 6: Conclusion

When you log in for the first time please start by playing the How to use the programme Video                                                   

Module 1

Module 1 Introduction, is a compulsory module, which must be completed first. The introduction module provides an overview of the eLearning programme, it also identifies how compliance with the Child Care Act 1991 ( Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 support high quality early years experiences for young children accessing Tusla registered early years services. Having completed module 1 Introduction, you can then access the other modules.

Technical guidance to accessing this programme

If you have technical issues in relation to accessing the programme or while undertaking the eLearning programme, all technical requests for supports should be directed to support@profiletree.com

Content supports:

The early years sector in Ireland are supported in their practice by National and local support organisations who are committed to supporting and enabling early years providers and staff to implement the Quality and Regulatory Framework in practice at a local level, a list of support organisations is available here 

Click below to register and access the Quality and Regulatory eLearning programme


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