Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

What support and training is available?

As a mandated person and a foster carer, you will be required to complete training in Children First. Tusla has developed an online training programme called ‘Introduction to Children First’ which is available here

If you don’t have internet access or cannot access the online training for any reason, contact your Fostering Link Social Worker to discuss this and to make alternative arrangements for this training.

Tusla has also developed a number of information booklets about Children First and mandatory reporting, which provide information on:

  • How to report a concern about a child to Tusla;
  • What happens when Tusla receives a report of a concern;
  • Tusla’s internal process for requesting assistance from mandated persons.

These are all available here

Your Fostering Link Social Worker is also available to support you if you have any questions about your responsibilities as a mandated reporter.

Select an option below for further information and support

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