How is a Parliamentary Question/Representation processed
Parliamentary Questions (PQs)
TDs send their question to the Questions Office in Dáil Eireann Tel. 01 6183426/3950. The Questions Office then allocates the question to the relevant Government Department. Questions in respect of the services of Tulsa received by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs are allocated to Tusla PAD.
Tusla PAD disseminates the questions to the relevant Tusla region/area or, in the case of corporate PQs, to the relevant corporate directorate eg Human Resources, Finance, Early Years, Adoption. All Tusla Parliamentary Question responses are issued and quality assured by the Office of the Director of Quality Assurance.
Representations are received by Tusla PAD from the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, the Office of the Chief Executive of Tusla, individual TDs, Councillors, Senators, Members of the European Parliament, other elected representatives, organisations and from members of the public. They are disseminated by Tusla PAD and quality assured in the same way as PQs.
It is recognised that managers throughout the service may also receive representations from local TDs and local public representatives as well as from the Tusla PAD office.
Representations received by Tusla PAD are carefully screened for child welfare concerns and complaints. All child welfare concerns are immediately routed to Duty Social Work for appropriate attention and follow up. Feedback and expressions of dissatisfaction/complaints are managed and followed up in line with the Tusla Feedback and Complaints Policy.