Tusla’s commissioning approach is the process to ensure that the total resources available to children and families are applied to improving outcomes in the most efficient, effective, equitable, proportionate and sustainable way.
Tusla has developed a Commissioning Strategy which outlines a framework for commissioning priorities based on needs analysis, consultation and review whilst taking into account all of the resources of the Agency, the statutory duties assigned under legislation and additionally what can be provided by partner agencies and statutory organisations to support the continuum of care at local and national level.
What Works Innovation Fund: Enhancing Children’s and Young People’s Outcomes
The What Works, funded under Dormant Accounts, has been developed by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to take a coordinated approach to enhancing capacity, knowledge and quality in prevention and early intervention for children, young people and their families, with a focus on those at risk of developing poor outcomes. At the core of the initiative is a desire to foster persistent curiosity amongst those working to improve the lives of children and young people in Ireland. The What Works aims to support key groups working with children, young people and families to know what works, how it works and provide an evidence supported approach to the application of this work.
Four key strands have been identified to embed and enhance prevention and early intervention in children and young people’s policy, service provision and practice and these four strands under the What Works are as follows:
- Data working strand
- Evidence working strand
- Professional development and capacity building working strand
- Quality working strand
Proposals are expected to
SEED: Test a new idea for improving one of the following five national outcomes for children and young people and/or the specific cross-cutting themes outlined in the Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures Transformational Goals. This strand will support less proven, new and creative approaches to intractable problems facing children and young people experiencing disadvantage in Ireland.
SCALE: Build on an existing programme, model, or approach that has shown promising impact on one of the five national outcomes for children and young people and/or the specific cross-cutting themes outlined in the Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures Transformational Goals.
All funding awarded in 2019 will be made for the period of 19th August 2019 to 31st December 2019. All awards are based on funding availability.
How much funding is available?
The total amount of funding available under this measure in 2019 is €700,000. All funding must be expended by 31st December 2019.
All funding must be spent by the end of December 2019 and no financial commitments will be made to projects beyond December 2019
Who can apply?
Applicants who were successful and received funding under the Quality and Capacity Building Initiative scheme in 2018 will be applicable for funding in 2019. Those who wish to apply for funding under the What Works scheme can apply for 40% of their original approved budget for 2018.
Projects holding balances from the original funding, should not apply for additional funding. These resource outputs should be finalised to a level whereby they can be included on the ‘What Works’ knowledge exchange platform for access by the wider children and youth sectors. An assessment panel will assess each application based on details provided and progress of project against original objectives.
How do I apply?
Completed application forms received from must be submitted to by the deadline of 17:00 on Monday 19th August 2019. No late applications will be admitted.
Informal queries should be directed to Lorraine Donohoe (Commissioning Unit, Tusla) on 01 771 8500.
Further information and materials
For more information about the What Works, please see the Guidance Note available below.
Select required document(s) below | |
![]() | What Works Letter to Grantees |
![]() | Innovation fund report & application |
Commissioning Resource for Children and Young People
What is this video?
This video aims to explain what ‘Commissioning’ means in simple and creative way. It was developed for children and young people by children and young people.
Who is this video for?
This video is a useful resource to explain the Commissioning process to children, young people and adults. It can also be used by Tusla staff and partner agencies.
Developed by:
Thanks to Barnardos, Colaiste Nano Nagle, Jigsaw and Limerick Youth Service and Tusla PPFS staff. A special thanks to the five young people Amanda, Buki, Diane, Lauren and Jasmine who not only gave of their time but shared their ideas and energy. They taught Tusla staff that when young people are involved ‘we get better ideas’.
This is an initiative of Tusla’s Child and Youth Participation Strategy 2019 – 2023.