Tusla - Ireland's Child & Family Agency

Feedback and Complaints

              If you have concerns about the protection or welfare of a child you should contact your local social work office. Click here for further information.


How to make a complaint to Tusla

In the first instance Tusla promotes the local resolution of complaints.  If you have a complaint we encourage you to make direct contact with the staff member concerned to address your concerns.  You can do this by phone, by email or by letter,

Please find the local contact details for Tusla services here 

If you want to make a complaint in person, this is also possible, but please phone your local office in advance to make sure someone will be available to meet with you.


If you wish to submit your complaint online you can do so by clicking below:


If you would prefer to download a complaint form and send it in you can download the form below.

This form can be found here. | Irish version


Written complaints should be addressed to the local office or service concerned. They will acknowledge your complaint within 10 working days of receiving your complaint.

If you send your complaint to Tusla’s National Office in Dublin, they will forward your complaint to the relevant local service for a response.

All complaints received by Tusla are recorded to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and receive a reference number which will assist you and Tusla to track the progress of your complaint.

Tusla’s complaints policy can be found here and provides you with information about what you can expect when you make a complaint.


If you encounter any difficulties making a complaint directly to the service concerned, you can call the national reception on 01-7718500. A member of staff will take your contact details and get a member of the Service Experience and Feedback team to call you back and provide assistance, within 1-2 working days.

A member of the Service Experience and Feedback team can also be contacted using the email address tellus@tusla.ie which is constantly monitored during working hours.

At all times you have the right to go to the Office of the Ombudsman or Ombudsman for Children.

The Ombudsman is impartial and free to use.

The Ombudsman will ask you for details of your complaint and to provide a copy of this letter (our final response to your complaint). The best way to do this is through:

You can also write to: Office of the Ombudsman, 6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773 or call 01 639 5600 if you have any queries.

Office of the Ombudsman
6 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, D02 W773.
Tel: 01 639 5600
Website: https://www.ombudsman.ie/
Ombudsman for Children's Office
Millennium House
52-56 Great Strand Street
Dublin 1.
Free-phone: 1800 20 20 40
Phone: 01 865 6800
Email: oco@oco.ie
Website: http://www.oco.ie

How to provide Feedback to Tusla

You may wish to provide feedback to Tusla where you have a comment or compliment you wish to share and have noted.

You can do this by phone, by email or by letter.

Please find the local contact details for Tusla services here.


If you wish to submit your feedback online you can do so by clicking below:


If you would prefer to download a feedback form and send it in you can download the form below.

This form can be found here.


Any comments or compliments about a particular service will be sent to the staff working there and a copy will be kept nationally to help us identify any potential for service improvements. Compliments which mention an individual member of staff will also be sent to that staff member.

All feedback will be acknowledged where you include your name and address or email address.

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