Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

IFMS Project

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IFMS Project Implementation

Tusla Finance are introducing a modern finance and procurement system for the Agency as part of an implementation project for the entire health sector which is being led by the HSE.  This project when implemented in July will provide the Agency with modern technology, best practice for finance and procurement processes, and a new operating model which will include better reporting on information for decision making. The project is called IFMS, which stands for Integrated Financial Management System.

Based on current implementation plans, Tusla will go live with the new IFMS system on July 3rd, 2023.

IFMS will have many beneficial developments, such as:

  • New standard best practice around national finance and procurement processes.
  • New operating structures and ways of working.
  • A new national shared services model.
  • All entities across the health sector and Tusla will use IFMS.
  • Will cut down/eliminate existing manual processes and speed up reporting of information.
  • Our financial transaction processing time will be reduced.
  • More comprehensive and transparent financial reports, will facilitate better-informed spending decisions.

Find out more about the IFMS Project.

To learn more about this project and implementation, you can contact the Change Network Team at ifms@tusla.ie

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