Tusla - Ireland's Child & Family Agency

Tell me more about financial support while attending accredited training/ education

What is the aftercare allowance?

It is a weekly allowance to help you out with living costs while you progress into education or accredited training.  

What is the eligibility criteria?

There are some eligibility criteria you will need to meet to be able to have access to aftercare allowance. This criteria includes:

  • Have turned 18 in the care of Tusla having spent 12 months in the care of the Agency between the age of 17-18 years
  • Be attending an accredited education course, third level course or training programme as outlined in the Aftercare Plan.
  • Agree to engage with Aftercare Service requirements and provide progress updates from course to which you are attending

How much is it:

The Aftercare Allowance payment is €300 per week. 

How do I apply?

As part of your Aftercare Plan, a Financial Assessment of Need will also be completed which will determine your eligibility for the Aftercare Allowance if you are in training or education. For more information talk to your aftercare worker or visit a drop in service clinic.

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