Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

Parents feedback

Tusla early years Inspectorate welcomes feedback from parents/ guardians on early years services. Feedback helps to inform the inspection process and support improvement in service provision. As a parent/guardian you can express your satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the early years service your child attends by completing our parent/guardian feedback form. The parent feedback form has a number of statements relating to childrens’ safety, wellbeing and happiness in the service.Parents are asked to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with each statement. You can complete the Parents/Guardians Feedback Form | Aiseolas ó Tuismitheoirí/Caomhnóirí  and email it to: parents.feedback@tusla.ie  All parent/guardian feedback will be shared with the registered provider.

Process for parent feedback - from April 2022

  • When an inspection takes place, a poster will be displayed in the service inviting parents to submit feedback to the inspectorate.
  • Information leaflets for parents have been developed and published on a webpage developed for parents.
  • The date of the last inspection for each service is published on the website alongside recent inspection reports so parents will know within one month that an inspection has taken place.

Please note, if you have a complaint or are concerned about the quality of an early years service, you should first speak to the staff/manager or childminder. If your issue cannot be resolved with the service provider, you can contact the Tusla Early Years Inspectorate; see the section on Concerns about an early years service. Where information is submitted through the parent/guardian feedback form which is considered by the inspectorate to represent a concern regarding the welfare and safety of children who attend a service and /or the operation of the service, this concern will be managed through our Concerns about an Early Years Service process.

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