Tusla - Ireland's Child & Family Agency

General Information

Welcome to the webpages of the Tusla’s Early Years Inspectorate.

The Early Years Inspectorate is the statutory regulator of early years services in Ireland. Regulation includes registration, inspection and, where necessary, enforcement. Early years services include;

In this section you will find general information on the work and activity of the inspectorate. This includes; the register of early years services in Ireland, the regulations which govern the work of the inspectorate and access to published inspection reports. If you would like more detailed information, you can visit the other sections via the Early Years Inspectorate homepage.

The Department of Education also undertakes inspections of pre-school services in Ireland. These inspections are focused on the quality of the nature, range and appropriateness of the early educational experiences for children. You can find out more about these inspections on the Department of Education Early years Education Inspections website.

The Early Years Inspectorate is part of Children’s Services Regulation (CSR). CSR’s vision is for all services we regulate or assess to be safe and happy places for children and young people to live, play, learn and develop. In order to consistently achieve our objectives, the Early Years Inspectorate is wholly committed to the operation and continual improvement of a quality management system which satisfies the applicable requirements of ISO 9001.

You can access our Strategy and Quality Policy below:

Children’s Services Regulation Strategy

Children’s Services Regulation Strategy

Quality Policy

Early Years Inspectorate Quality Policy

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