Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

Early Years Inspectorate

Welcome to Tusla’s Early Years Inspectorate.

The Early Years Inspectorate is the statutory regulator of early years services in Ireland. Regulation includes registration, inspection and, where necessary, enforcement. Early years services include; pre-school services, school-age services and childminding services.


Applications for Garda Vetting - January 2025

From 1st February 2025 Tusla will commence providing the Garda Vetting Application Service for anyone who is a Registered Provider of an early years service (under part VIIA of the Child Care Act 1991, as amended) or anyone who is planning to submit an application to become a Registered Provider.

  • Registered Providers of pre-school services
  • Registered Providers of school age services
  • Childminders
  • Heads of Boards of management for childcare services where the person is the Registered Provider

We are not providing a Garda Vetting Application Service for anyone who is not registered or not intending to register as a Registered Provider. Any vetting required for these people must be obtained from a different vetting provider, such as Early Childhood Ireland

You can find more information on the new Garda Vetting section of our website

2025 Registration Renewal - January 2025

The 2025 Registration Renewal Cycle begins in March 2025 and will cover 4,315 Pre-School and School Age Services.

To prepare, please check your service's registration status and update any required documentation in advance.

You can find your registration date on your current certificate or via the registers:

  • Pre-School ServicesLink
  • School Age ServicesLink

Required documents:

  1. Signed declaration form
  2. Current, valid insurance certificate
  3. Garda vetting for the Registered Provider and Person in Charge (PIC), dated within 36 months of submission. For corporate bodies, garda vetting is also needed for all directors.

You will receive a notification two months before your renewal date to upload documents and pay the renewal fee.

More details will follow soon.  For additional information, visit this link.

Service Types

A childminder who is paid to look after other people’s children. This does not include those that only look after relative’s children. Childminders work in their own home and they work alone.

Pre-School Services

Play groups, day nursery, crèches, day-care and similar services which cater for children aged 0-6 years. 

School Age Services

Any early years service, play group, day nursery, crèche, day-care or other similar service which;

  • Caters for children under the age of 15 years enrolled in a school providing primary or post primary education.
  • Provides a range of activities that are developmental, educational and recreational in manner, which take place outside of school hours, the primary purpose of which is to care for children where their parents are unavailable.
  • The basis for access to which is made publicly known to the parents and guardians of the children.

If you are a parent who uses or wants to use any of the above early years services for your child, you will find lots of information here to help you make your decision including registers of early years services, most recent inspection reports, and information and tips on what to look for when choosing a service. You will also find information on who to contact if you have a complaint or concern about any of the above types of early years service, and information about Tusla’s role as regulator, as well as general news and updates.

If you work in any of the above types of early years service, either as a registered provider or in any other role including operating as a childminder, you will find helpful information including guidance documents, webinars, templates and forms that will help you, as well as regular updates and links to other resources, 

If you are thinking about establishing one of the above types of early years service, you will find specific information and guidance on what you need to do and how to do it.


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