Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

How do I develop a Child Safeguarding Statement?

Guidance on Developing a Child Safeguarding Statement provides information for organisations required to develop a Child Safeguarding Statement, including an example template Child Safeguarding Statement.

This template is also available as a Word document to download and use. However, please note that it is only a sample template and is not a standardised format for a Child Safeguarding Statement.

Tusla's Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice can also assist you when developing a Child Safeguarding Statement. It is a best practice guide designed to help all providers of services to children and families to develop guiding principles and safeguarding procedures to keep children and young people using their services safe from harm.

Tusla’s Child Safeguarding Statement Compliance Unit (CSSCU) uses this Review Outcome Form when reviewing child safeguarding statements (CSS) which have been provided to the CSSCU, either voluntarily or in response to a request from the CSSCU. It may be helpful to providers of relevant services, when either developing or reviewing their CSS, to refer to the CSSCU Review Outcome Form to assist them to assess their compliance with safeguarding requirements set out in the Children First Act 2015.

Part of developing a Child Safeguarding Statement is carrying out an assessment of any potential for harm, as defined in the Children First Act 2015, to a child while availing of your service. This is known as a risk assessment. This short video explains more about what the risk assessment should cover, how you might conduct it, and how it should inform the rest of your Child Safeguarding Statement. There is also additional information on risk assessments available, here.


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