Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

How do I enrol my child in School?

To enrol your child, you should first check the list of schools in your area. (You can find information on schools in your area here)   The school will have a standard application form you need to complete. If school is full, it may not be able to enrol your child. 

Schools will give places according to the priorities outlined in their admissions policy.  For example, they may give priority to brothers and sisters of current pupils or to children living in the local area.  This policy is agreed by the board of management of the school.  The school can give you a copy of their admissions policy if you ask for it.

When choosing a primary school, you may also need to know about the admissions policies of post-primary schools.  Some post-primary schools give priority to students from certain primary schools.

Select an option below for further information and support 

How does the Educational Welfare Service work?  

Protecting a child’s right to education 

Who can refer to the Educational Welfare Service? 

What is the role of the parent? 

What should I do if my child is absent from school?  

Can I take my child on holidays during term time? 

What will the school do if my child misses a lot of school? 

Can I appeal the decision if a school refuses to enrol my child? 

What happens if my family is moving to a new area away from the school? 

What can I do if the school suspends or intends to expel my child? 

What is home tuition? 

Can I teach my child at home? 

Where can I get information about other concerns that are impacting my child’s attendance? 

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