Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

Protecting a child’s right to education

The focus of the work of an EWO is around the educational welfare of the child and on ensuring that concerns and problems are dealt with before school attendance becomes a crisis issue.

However, if a parent doesn’t work with the EWO to address the problems around school the EWO has the power to take legal action against the parent under the Education (Welfare) Act, 2000.

Taking legal action against a parent or guardian is a very serious matter and may involve the parent/parents being taken to court. It is an action of last resort when all other offers of support have failed and the parent has not supported the plan developed with the EWO.

Imposing a sanction on parents or guardians for non-attendance is the responsibility of the local District Court Judge in each case having heard all the evidence including that of the EWO and the parent/guardian.

Select an option below for further information and support 

How does the Educational Welfare Service work?  

Who can refer to the Educational Welfare Service? 

What is the role of the parent? 

What should I do if my child is absent from school?  

Can I take my child on holidays during term time? 

What will the school do if my child misses a lot of school? 

How do I enrol my child in School? 

Can I appeal the decision if a school refuses to enrol my child? 

What happens if my family is moving to a new area away from the school? 

What can I do if the school suspends or intends to expel my child? 

What is home tuition? 

Can I teach my child at home? 

Where can I get information about other concerns that are impacting my child’s attendance? 

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