Are you a positive parent?

Source: Lifestart Spirals Programme
| This type of parent:
- Enables a child to make his/her own choices
- Makes clear rules and enforces them
- Rewards children's positive behaviour
- Is involved in their child's daily life where possible
| This type of parent:
- Has expectations for a child that are too high
- Does not enable a child to make his/her own choices
- Often insults and belittles a child
- Often ignores good behaviour and excessively punishes a child
Easy Going
| This type of parent:
- Lets a child do what he/she wants
- Does not establish any rules for a child
- Will give in to a child having tantrums
- Provides no structure for a child
(Neglectful/ Rejecting/ Disengaged)
| This type of parent:
- Does not have a close relationship with a child
- Allows a child to do what they want
- Shows little interest in a child's behaviour or aspirations
- Does not supervise a child/or arrange adequate supervision when needed