Tusla - Ireland's Child & Family Agency

0 - 5 Year olds

These are the seven key messages to support parents covering topics such as food, safety and relationships.  Follow the links to find out more about the messages and how they can help you and your child.


Activities for you and your infant 

Activities for you and your toddler

Activities for you and your child

Build an obstacle course

Learning at home

Tips for a healthy diet for you and
your child

How can I encourage healthy eating?

Top six ways to be a positive parent

Are you a positive parent?


Staying safe at home

What car seat is correct?


Playing with your infant 

Teaching your child how to eat properly

Three Tips to help your child in times of stress 

Tips for talking about feelings with your toddler


Connecting with other parents 

Starting a Parent, Baby and Toddler group 


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