First Aid Training in Early Years Services
The First Aid Responder (FAR) Education and Training Standard established by the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council (PHECC) is recognised by Tusla as the first aid course for children that meets the regulatory requirement. In an early years setting the number of people required to be trained in first aid for children (FAR) and that are available for first aid response is based on the service’s risk assessments, including the size of the service and the hazards identified.
Currently where a service provides evidence that a person(s) is trained in First Aid for children and is available to children at all times the regulatory requirement is deemed to have been met by the Tusla Early Years Inspectorate. Prior to the COVID -19 pandemic this was to continue to be acceptable until the 31st May 2020. The regulatory requirement was due to change from the 1st of June 2020. The change required is that at least one person(s) is to have had undertaken the FAR (First Aid Response) course delivered by a trainer approved by PHECC to be available to children at all times in a service.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Tusla and Dept of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth agreed to extend the timeframe to meet this regulatory requirement to the end of February 2021. Due to the ongoing pandemic this extension is now delayed to November 2021.
Tusla will therefore align our regulatory activity with this extension and only commence inspecting against the requirement from November 2021. At that time Tusla will expect at least one person(s) to have successfully undertaken the FAR (First Aid Response) course delivered by a trainer approved by PHECC to be available to children at all times in a service and will inspect services on that basis. For more information early years settings should contact their City or County Childcare Committee.