Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

Parenting Support Champions Project

Parenting Support Champions Practitioners's Resource Pack

Parenting 24 Seven Resource Booklet

Tusla PPFS, Parental Participation Newsletter

Parenting Support Champions Framework

Parenting Support Champions Project Planning and Networking Day
8th December 2016 Citywest Hotel

The Parenting Support Champions Project is an opportunity to participate in a new national initiative to develop our system-wide approaches and practices to working with parents so that together we can support all children and young people in being safe and achieving their full potential.  Below you can access presentations from the event. 

Opening Address

Our Vision of the Parenting Support Champions Project


Evaluating the Parenting Support Champions Project

Parenting Learning Groups

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