Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

Parenting Conference 2017

Working together towards Positive Parenting - 25th May 2017 - Dublin Castle 

On 25th May 2017 Tusla – The Child and Family Agency,  hosted its second national Parenting Conference, as part of the Prevention, Partnership and Family Support (PPFS) Programme.  Titled “Working Together Toward Positive Parenting”, the Conference brought together international experts, seasoned professionals and some of Tusla’s 100 Parenting Support Champions who work supporting parents in their local areas.

A full range of conference videos and materials from the day, including speakers’ presentations can be found below.  You can also view the Report and Summary of Evaluation of the conference here.

Fred McBride, Chief Executive, Tusla - Welcome

Dr Katherine Zappone T.D., Minister for Children and Youth Affairs - Opening Address

Dr John Sharry - Empowering Parents to be Positive Parents - a Strengths-based Approach

Dr Rosemary Crosse - NUIG Research - Evaluation Parenting Support and Parental Participation

Parenting Support Champions - Our Journey so Far

Parents' Panel - Parents talk about Positive Parenting and Positive Parenting Supports - Chaired by Ms Karen Kiernan CEO One Family 




Professor Maria Jose Rodrigo - Initiatives to Support Positive Parenting in Spain

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