Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

How should I deal with a disclosure of abuse from a child?

If you are dealing with children, you need to be alert to the possibility that a welfare or protection concern may arise in relation to children you come into contact with. A child needs to have someone they can trust in order to feel able to disclose abuse they may be experiencing. They need to know they will be believed and will get the help they need. Without these things they may be vulnerable to continuing abuse. 

If you receive a disclosure of harm from a child, you may feel reluctant to report this for a number of reasons. For example, the child may say that they do not want the disclosure to be reported, or you may take the view that the child is now safe and that the involvement of Tusla may not be desired by either the child or their family. However, you need to inform Tusla of all risks to children above the threshold, as the removal of a risk to one child does not necessarily mean that there are no other children at risk. The information contained in a disclosure may be critical to Tusla’s assessment of risk to another child either now or in the future.

You should deal with disclosures of abuse sensitively and professionally. The following approach is suggested as best practice for dealing with these disclosures.

  • React calmly
  • Listen carefully and attentively
  • Take the child seriously
  • Reassure the child that they have taken the right action in talking to you
  • Do not promise to keep anything secret
  • Ask questions for clarification only. Do not ask leading questions
  • Check back with the child that what you have heard is correct and understood
  • Do not express any opinions about the alleged abuser
  • Ensure that the child understands the procedures that will follow
  • Make a written record of the conversation as soon as possible, in as much detail as possible
  • Treat the information confidentially, subject to the requirements of Children First Guidance and legislation

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