Q & A Documents
The Early Years Inspectorate Q&A document has been updated to reflect changes in policy and practice and to ensure it is aligned with the Quality & Regulatory Framework
The key purpose of both the Q&A and the QRF is to support understanding of the principles and requirements of the Child Care Act 1991 (Early years services) Regulations (2016), the Child Care Act 1991 (Early years services) (Amendment) Regulations (2016) and the Child Care Act 1991, Section 58 as amended by Part 12 of the Child and Family Agency Act, 2013.
The Q&A document will continue to be updated periodically when questions and clarification requests are received from the sector or when there is a change or an addition to an answer. The questions received will be collated, and the sector will be informed when an updated version has been published on the website.
School Age - Frequently asked Questions
This questions and answer document for school age services is designed to improve quality in the sector by supporting understanding of regulatory requirements in relation to, the registration of a new service, the inspection process, proposed changes to registration status, notification of incidents, fee payments, management of concerns & feedback and the publication of inspection reports.