I would like to register as a School Age Provider
A ‘school age service’ means any early years service, play group, day nursery, crèche, day-care or other similar service which;
- Caters for children under the age of 15 years enrolled in a school providing primary or post primary education.
- Provides a range of activities that are developmental, educational and recreational in manner, which take place outside of school hours, the primary purpose of which is to care for children where their parents are unavailable.
- The basis for access to which is made publicly known to the parents and guardians of the children.
The following are not defined as school age services under the Childcare Act 1991 Revised January 2019.
Services that solely provide activities relating to —
- The Arts
- Youth work
- Competitive or recreational sport
- Tuition
- Religious teaching
From February 2019 all school age services as defined under the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Registration of School Age Services) Regulations 2018 are required to register their service with Tusla Child & Family Agency.
A series of documents and other resources have been developed to assist you with the registration process.
| School Age Childcare Registration Frequently Asked Questions |
School Age Childcare Policies Registration Checklist |
Select Option Below | |
Preparing to register your school age service | School Age Service Register |
Cost of Registering a School Age Service | News and information archive |
Back to School Age Homepage |