Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency


Many years ago in Ireland, neighbours would often come together to help each other with tasks such as saving crops. This was known as Meitheal.

Tusla have created a similar way of working to give support to children, young people and families. Our Meitheal can support you and your family in getting the help you need.

Meitheal brings together people and services that can help you to make the changes you want in your life. The kinds of services that might be involved in Meitheal are schools, youth services, family resource centres and medical services. It’s like having a whole team looking out for you.

Here are some of the challenges that Meitheal could help you with:

  • Problems at school
  • Feeling down
  • Not getting on with your parents
  • Problems at home
  • Loneliness
  • Worrying a lot.

How Meitheal works:

  • You will work with a supportive person that you trust, called a Lead Practitioner. This could be a youth worker, counsellor or a teacher.
  • Your Lead Practitioner will help you think about your strengths and needs.
  • The next step is your lead practitioner will arrange a Meitheal support meeting for you with your parents or guardians where they will help to put a plan in place.
  • The Meitheal team will help you follow that plan and make the changes you want in your life, through regular meetings for as long as you need it.
  • You and your family will decide how long you want this support for.

Contact details for the CFSN team can be found here.

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