Tusla - An Ghníomhaireacht um Leanaí agus an Teaghlach - Child and Family Agency

Commissioning Resource for Children and Young People

What is this video?

This video aims to explain what ‘Commissioning’ means in simple and creative way. It was developed for children and young people by children and young people.

Who is this video for?

This video is a useful resource to explain the Commissioning process to children, young people and adults. It can also be used by Tusla staff and partner agencies.

Developed by:

Thanks to Barnardos, Colaiste Nano Nagle, Jigsaw and Limerick Youth Service and Tusla PPFS staff. A special thanks to the five young people Amanda, Buki, Diane, Lauren and Jasmine who not only gave of their time but shared their ideas and energy. They taught Tusla staff that when young people are involved ‘we get better ideas’.

This is an initiative of Tusla’s Child and Youth Participation Strategy 2019 – 2023.  

WEBSITE BY CREATIVE INC & Kooba Web Design Dublin