What information can I apply for?
Birth Certificate (only for the relevant person)
A relevant person can apply for a full and unredacted copy of their Birth Certificate.
Birth information
Birth information is certain categories of information which is normally recorded on the Birth Certificate of a person. Where all this information is not on the person’s Birth Certificate (for example, a birth father’s name), if it is contained in our records, it will be released. Tusla do not generally hold Birth Certificates; however, if the birth information is held on our records, we will release this information.
- The date, place, and time of the person’s birth.
- The person’s assigned sex.
- The person’s forename(s) and surname.
- The forename(s), surname, birth surname, address, occupation, date of birth, and where applicable, former surname of the person’s mother, and the birth surname of the mother’s mother.
- The forename(s), surname, birth surname, address, occupation, date of birth, and where applicable, former surname of the person’s father, and the birth surname of the father’s mother.
- Photograph of a parent.
Early life information
Early life information is information that relates to the period of time from a person’s birth to when they reach the age of 18, and can include but is not limited to:
- Where he or she lived, and for what dates.
- Information on their baptism, or any other similar spiritual or religious ceremony, including, but not limited to:
- The date and place of the ceremony
- A baptismal certificate (or equivalent document in respect of a different ceremony)
- An entry in a baptismal register (or equivalent document in respect of a different ceremony)
- Their birth weight.
- A photograph of the person.
- Information on their health, physical or emotional development.
- Information on any medical treatments, procedures or vaccinations.
- Information on how long their birth mother remained with him or her in the same place of residence.
- Information on whether the person and their birth mother left their first place of residence (e.g., Mother and Baby Home Institution) separately or together.
Care information (for those who were in a care arrangement)
Care information is for relevant persons who were placed in a care arrangement and can include but is not limited to:
- The name of a person who cared for the relevant person as part of a care arrangement. This could include:
- The name of a person in charge of an institution or part of an institution.
- The name of a person to whom a person was boarded out or nursed out to.
- The name of foster care parents who fostered a child before they were adopted.
- The location where that care was provided.
- The duration for which the person was cared for at a given location.
- The name of any person who arranged for the relevant person to be nursed out or boarded out, fostered prior to their adoption or resident in an institution.
Medical information
Medical Information includes any information relating to a person’s own medical history.
Medical information relating to genetic relative
Medical information relating to a genetic relative includes the medical history of their relevant parent or genetic relative. This information is only provided in cases where the information involves a genetic or heredity medical condition that is relevant for the maintenance of the relevant person’s health.
Incorrect/Illegal/unlawful birth registration information
Information in relation to a person who is or has been the subject of an illegal birth registration (or suspects they may have been).
- the circumstances under which the person became the subject of an illegal birth registration.
- the name of the person and /or institution who made arrangements for the illegal birth registration.
Personal Information
Any other personal information on record relating to you.