Tusla - Ireland's Child & Family Agency

Garda Vetting Applications

From 1st February 2025 Tusla will commence providing the Garda Vetting Application Service for anyone who is a Registered Provider of an early years service (under Part VIIA of the Child Care Act 1991, as amended) or anyone who is planning to submit an application to become a Registered Provider.

Registered Providers include:

  • Registered Providers of pre-school services
  • Registered Providers of school age services
  • Childminders
  • Heads of Boards of management for childcare services where the person is the Registered Provider
  • Other persons assigned to carry out quality assurance visits on behalf of the chairperson

We do not provide a Garda Vetting Application Service for anyone who is not registered or not intending to register as an early years registered provider.

Any vetting required for the staff members of early years services must be obtained from Early Childhood Ireland or, in the case of students on placement,  the relevant third level educational institution.

People who cannot obtain Garda vetting though Tusla include;

  • Employees of a childcare service
  • Volunteers of a childcare service
  • Students on placement or work experience at a childcare service
  • Emergency cover people
  • Persons in Charge

Further information on the changes as to which organisations will provide vetting for the childcare sector can be found on the government website here Garda Vetting for the Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Aged Childcare (SAC) sector

It is important to note that applications for Garda Vetting by Tusla are managed by a different department separately from the registration application processes.

Before you submit a registration application you must make sure that you obtain Garda Vetting and when you apply for registration renewal you must make sure you have valid vetting.

In order to apply for Garda Vetting for the purpose of registration you will need to access the Tusla Garda Vetting portal. If you have a Portal account linked with a Childminding application, your profile username and password will work for Garda Vetting. If you have any other type of Portal account, you will need to create a new profile for the purposes of applying for Garda Vetting.

We have developed a guidance document and an infographic to support Registered Providers and Childminders through the process of applying for Garda Vetting.

Guidance Document
Garda Vetting FAQs
Tusla Garda Vetting Portal


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