Counselling services for birth mothers and relevant persons
If you are a birth mother or relevant person and would like to talk to someone about the new legislation you can contact
Tusla BIT service by phone | Or email |
Calling within the Republic of Ireland:0818 44 55 00Calling Outside the Republic of Ireland:00-353-818 44 55 00 | Tusla BIT service @ |
Please note the Tusla Birth Information and Tracing counselling service operates Monday to Friday between 10am and 3pm. |
Barnardos | Barnardos Counselling service |
Dublin: 01 - 8134100Cork: 021 - 2038005Galway: 091 - 454489 | |
A “relevant person” is:
- Anyone who was adopted (16 years or older),
- Persons subject of an illegal birth registration,
- Persons who were boarded/ nursed out
- Persons who resided as a child in an institution (as outlined in the legislation)