Tusla - Ireland's Child & Family Agency

Counselling services for birth mothers and relevant persons

If you are a birth mother or relevant person and would like to talk to someone about the new legislation you can contact

Tusla BIT service by phone

Or email

Calling within the Republic of Ireland:

0818 44 55 00 

Calling Outside the Republic of Ireland:  

00-353-818 44 55 00

Tusla BIT service @ BITCounselling@tusla.ie 

Please note the Tusla Birth Information and Tracing counselling service operates Monday to Friday between 10am and 3pm.


Barnardos Counselling service

Dublin:     01 - 8134100

Cork:     021 - 2038005

Galway:     091 - 454489  


A “relevant person” is:

  • Anyone who was adopted (16 years or older),
  • Persons subject of an illegal birth registration,
  • Persons who were boarded/ nursed out
  • Persons who resided as a child in an institution (as outlined in the legislation)




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