Childminding Services - FAQs
We have developed Childminder Frequently Asked Questions to support you with any questions and queries you may have. Some of the questions refer to issues that are the responsibility of Tusla’s Early Years Inspectors and others are the responsibility of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) and / Pobal. We have clearly identified which organisation has responsibility and built in links to useful further information.
General Questions
What changes have happened regarding Childminding?
In 2021, the Government launched the National Action Plan for Childminding 2021 – 2028. An important development in this plan is the introduction of new regulations specifically developed for childminders who work in their own homes. The regulations were published on the 19th of September 2024 and came into operation on the 30th of September. From this date, childminders can apply for registration with Tusla. Once the childminder has been successfully registered and then signs up to the National Childcare Scheme, parents of children in these services will be able to apply for the National Childcare Scheme in the same way that other parents currently can when their children attend centre based early years services.
Why have these changes been made?
There are three main reasons why the Government has introduced these changes. First and foremost, they want the care provided to children in a childminder’s home to be of a high standard, and for parents to be reassured that their children are being safely cared for. Secondly, they want to make sure more parents are supported with childcare costs. Thirdly, they want to ensure that childminders receive recognition and support for the important work that they do. Many other countries already regulate childminding services in this way.
When were the changes being introduced?
The Child Care (Amendment) Act 2024, which is the legislation needed to allow for new childminding regulations, was passed by the Oireachtas in July 2024 and the regulations came into effect on the 30th of September 2024. This means that from the 30th of September 2024, Tusla’s Early Years Inspectorate will begin accepting applications for the registration of childminding services under the new childminding-specific regulations.
The new childminding-specific regulations are accompanied by guidance, and together these documents set out all the details of how childminders will be regulated and includes information on how many children a childminder can care for and what policies and other documents a childminder needs to have. Guidance documents for parents and childminders which are easy to access and read are available, and support and training is being provided to childminders by local City and County Childcare Committees.
What is a Childminder / Childminding service?
A childminder is a person who runs a childminding service looking after other people’s children (under the age of 15 years) for at least 2 hours per day, in the childminder’s own home. This definition does not apply to people who care for children in the children’s own home (such as nannies and au pairs). Childminders work by themselves and do not employ any other people to assist them with the children they are caring for.
How have Tusla’s Early Years Inspectorate prepared for the childminding regulations?
The Early Years Inspectorate have put in place a suitable system to regulate childminding across Ireland. We are ready to accept registration applications from childminders from the 30th of September 2024.
What are the benefits of regulation for children and families?
The regulations help to make sure children are safer and are being well cared for, which also provides assurance to parents. Once a childminder is registered, and then signs up to the National Childcare Scheme, parents can apply for the National Childcare Scheme so their childcare costs will be reduced. Parents will also be able to look at the childminding register to see who is childminding in their area, and this will make it easier for parents who are looking for a registered childminding service
Childminder Questions
What are the benefits of regulation for childminders?
The regulations make sure that childminders are valued for their contribution to the childcare sector in Ireland. They help to support childminders to make sure children in their care are safe and being well cared for. By registering as a childminder, you will also be able to apply for government funding schemes.
I want to register as a childminder, what can I do now?
If you are planning to register as a childminder, you will first need to contact your local City and County Childcare Committee at You need to arrange to undertake pre-registration training which provides all the information you need to understand what is required to apply to register and explains the registration process.
From the 30th of September 2024 childminders can apply to the Early Years Inspectorate for registration using the dedicated Tusla Childminding Portal. There is a link to the Tusla portal available on our website or you can go directly to the portal at This is where you submit your registration application. We have also provided comprehensive, user-friendly guidance materials on our website about how to register, the requirements for registration and what you can expect from your initial pre-registration assessment visit.
I am already registered with Tusla as a Childminder under the 2016 Pre-school Regulations or the 2018 School-Age Regulations. Do I need to re-register?
Childminders who are already registered with Tusla under the 2016 or 2018 Regulations will be automatically deemed registered under the new childminding-specific regulations. They won’t need to do anything extra.
What is the transitional period?
The Child Care (Amendment) Act 2024 provides a transition period of three years for the new childminding regulations. This means that from the 30th of September 2024, childminders will be able to register with Tusla but it will not be mandatory until the end of the transition period in September 2027. Childminders who mind 3 or fewer preschool children and 6 or fewer children in total will continue to be exempt for the duration of the transitional period. Only childminders who are minding more than 3 preschool children or more than 6 children in total will be required to register immediately.
How long will registration take?
It is important that you submit all the required documentation with your application and complete all sections of the application on the portal. If you do so, then your application will be processed as quickly as possible by the Early Years Inspectorate.
Will someone come to my home?
Yes, as part of the registration application process a pre-registration assessment visit will take place. This will involve an Early Years Inspector calling to your home and checking that everything is ready for children to be cared for safely.
These visits to your home will not be the same as inspections that take place in larger settings, such as creches. Our approach to the regulation of childminders in their own home is one of ‘supportive compliance’ which means we will work with you to help you to achieve compliance with the childminding regulations.
What is meant by 'supportive compliance'
Supportive Compliance places an emphasis on guidance, engagement and support. Tusla’s Early Years Inspectorate apply this approach to childminders, acknowledging their unique home-based setting, and are mindful of the private family environment and first-time regulation concerns of childminders.
The aim is to help childminders comply with regulations, address any issues through constructive discussions to ensure children's health, safety, and well-being.
Will I be expected to make big changes to my home?
There is no expectation that you will be asked to make any changes to your home. Your home will be fully respected as such. To ensure your home is safe for children, you may, for example, be asked to fix things that are broken such as a fence in your garden, or to ensure safe storage for cleaning equipment. Most childminders will not have to make any changes as their homes are already safe and suitable for children.
Will I be expected to do lots more paperwork to run my service?
The childminding regulations will require that you keep some paperwork. However, you will be provided with policies, guidance documents and sample templates for any records you need. All the paperwork required will be explained further in the pre-registration training, and you will have access to the support of the Childminding Development Officer in your local City and County Childcare Committee if you have any questions or issues with your paperwork.
I am worried that when I register, I may have to pay more tax, or lose some social welfare payments or a SUSI grant for my own children?
You should look for advice on this from the relevant agency, your childcare committee, or a tax expert. The Early Years Inspectorate will not be able to advise you about this.
I am currently working as a childminder in my own home; do I need to close my service while I am applying for registration?
No, you can continue to run your service as normal while you are applying for registration during the 3-year transition period.
Will I need to close my service during the pre-registration assessment visit?
No. The time of the pre-registration assessment visit will be agreed between you and the inspector in advance. This assessment visit can take place when you have children present.
Will my pre—registration assessment report be published on the Tusla website?
Once your application for registration is successful, the pre-registration assessment report outlining your compliance with the relevant regulations will be published on the Tusla website.
I have heard that childminders can care for 6 children. I am currently minding more than 6 children; will I need to reduce my numbers to register?
The regulations allow a childminder to care for no more than 6 children at any one time. Childminders who mind 3 or fewer preschool children and 6 or fewer children in total will continue to be exempt from registration for the duration of the transitional period. Only childminders who are minding more than 3 preschool children or more than 6 children in total will be required to register immediately. In your application you will required to indicate how many children up to a maximum of 6 children you wish to register your service for.
I am living in rental or local authority accommodation- can I still apply to be a childminder?
Yes, you can apply for registration. However, you will need to check the conditions of your rental or tenancy agreement and speak to your landlord. You will also need to ensure that your insurance company has all the necessary information.
I am living in a small apartment with a balcony, can I apply for registration?
Yes, you can apply for registration. If your apartment is very small, the number of children you can mind may be reduced. However, this will be discussed with you, and we will explain the reason why. You will also need to make sure that you assess the risk of the balcony to children and that you are doing regular safety checks so that it is safe for children if you want them to have access to it. In addition to the balcony, you will also need to have a suitable outdoor space that the children can access on a daily basis.
Can I register as a childminder if I have a dog or another pet in my home?
Yes, you can apply to register if you have a pet in your home. It is important to consider how any children in your care may interact with your pet. You are required to identify any potential risks and plan how to minimise any risks that pets can pose.
I have heard I will need to apply for Garda Vetting, when can I apply for this?
Barnardos provide this service free of charge and are currently accepting applications for Garda Vetting from childminders.
I lived abroad for a number of years; will I have to apply for police vetting?
Police vetting is required when a childminder or an emergency cover person has lived in another country or countries outside of the island of Ireland, for more than 6 months, after their 18th birthday.
Who can I ask to provide me with the references I need to submit with my application?
You will be required to submit 2 written references with your application. You can ask current or previous parents of children in your service to write a reference for you, or if you have not yet opened your service, you could ask a former employer or another appropriate person in your community who knows you well to write a reference.
What will registration cost me?
There is a fee of €40 for registration. This is paid as part of the portal application process. There is also an annual fee of €40 payable for the years in which you are not paying a registration fee.
What if I have other questions about childminding and how to become a childminder?
You can contact our Childminding advice line, either via email or on (061) 440600 (option 9)
Parents / Guardians Questions
I am a parent of children in a childminding service, what can I do to prepare for the upcoming changes?
Speak to your childminder now and ask them about their plans for registration. Remember they can register at any point over the next 3 years, and they must be registered after 3 years. You can keep up to date with developments by checking the Early Years Inspectorate website regularly and you will also be hearing more about this in the media. If you want to ask us any questions you can email and we will do our best to answer your specific questions.
When will I, as a parent, be able to access childcare funding schemes?
Once your childminder is registered with the Early Years Inspectorate and the National Childcare Scheme, you will be able to apply to access the National Childcare Scheme.
I am a parent. How can I support my childminder to prepare for registration?
You can direct your childminder to the Early Years Inspectorate website or ask them to contact their local City and County Childcare Committee if they have any questions.
I am a parent and I employ someone to come into my home to care for my children. Are they required to register?
The childminding regulations only apply to childminders caring for children in the childminder’s own home. If you employ a childminder to come into your home every day, or if you have a live-in nanny or au-pair, they are exempt from the childminding regulations, and you do not need to do anything.